import sys, os, time, ssl, gzip, multiprocessing from io import BytesIO # Python-aware urllib stuff try: from urllib.request import urlopen, Request import queue as q except ImportError: # Import urllib2 to catch errors import urllib2 from urllib2 import urlopen, Request import Queue as q TERMINAL_WIDTH = 120 if"nt" else 80 def get_size(size, suffix=None, use_1024=False, round_to=2, strip_zeroes=False): # size is the number of bytes # suffix is the target suffix to locate (B, KB, MB, etc) - if found # use_2014 denotes whether or not we display in MiB vs MB # round_to is the number of dedimal points to round our result to (0-15) # strip_zeroes denotes whether we strip out zeroes # Failsafe in case our size is unknown if size == -1: return "Unknown" # Get our suffixes based on use_1024 ext = ["B","KiB","MiB","GiB","TiB","PiB"] if use_1024 else ["B","KB","MB","GB","TB","PB"] div = 1024 if use_1024 else 1000 s = float(size) s_dict = {} # Initialize our dict # Iterate the ext list, and divide by 1000 or 1024 each time to setup the dict {ext:val} for e in ext: s_dict[e] = s s /= div # Get our suffix if provided - will be set to None if not found, or if started as None suffix = next((x for x in ext if x.lower() == suffix.lower()),None) if suffix else suffix # Get the largest value that's still over 1 biggest = suffix if suffix else next((x for x in ext[::-1] if s_dict[x] >= 1), "B") # Determine our rounding approach - first make sure it's an int; default to 2 on error try:round_to=int(round_to) except:round_to=2 round_to = 0 if round_to < 0 else 15 if round_to > 15 else round_to # Ensure it's between 0 and 15 bval = round(s_dict[biggest], round_to) # Split our number based on decimal points a,b = str(bval).split(".") # Check if we need to strip or pad zeroes b = b.rstrip("0") if strip_zeroes else b.ljust(round_to,"0") if round_to > 0 else "" return "{:,}{} {}".format(int(a),"" if not b else "."+b,biggest) def _process_hook(queue, total_size, update_interval=1.0, max_packets=0): bytes_so_far = 0 packets = [] speed = remaining = "" last_update = time.time() while True: # Write our info first so we have *some* status while # waiting for packets if total_size > 0: percent = float(bytes_so_far) / total_size percent = round(percent*100, 2) t_s = get_size(total_size) try: b_s = get_size(bytes_so_far, t_s.split(" ")[1]) except: b_s = get_size(bytes_so_far) perc_str = " {:.2f}%".format(percent) bar_width = (TERMINAL_WIDTH // 3)-len(perc_str) progress = "=" * int(bar_width * (percent/100)) sys.stdout.write("\r\033[K{}/{} | {}{}{}{}{}".format( b_s, t_s, progress, " " * (bar_width-len(progress)), perc_str, speed, remaining )) else: b_s = get_size(bytes_so_far) sys.stdout.write("\r\033[K{}{}".format(b_s, speed)) sys.stdout.flush() # Now we gather the next packet try: packet = queue.get(timeout=update_interval) # Packets should be formatted as a tuple of # (timestamp, len(bytes_downloaded)) # If "DONE" is passed, we assume the download # finished - and bail if packet == "DONE": print("") # Jump to the next line return # Append our packet to the list and ensure we're not # beyond our max. # Only check max if it's > 0 packets.append(packet) if max_packets > 0: packets = packets[-max_packets:] # Increment our bytes so far as well bytes_so_far += packet[1] except q.Empty: # Didn't get anything - reset the speed # and packets packets = [] speed = " | 0 B/s" remaining = " | ?? left" if total_size > 0 else "" except KeyboardInterrupt: print("") # Jump to the next line return # If we have packets and it's time for an update, process # the info. update_check = time.time() if packets and update_check - last_update >= update_interval: last_update = update_check # Refresh our update timestamp speed = " | ?? B/s" if len(packets) > 1: # Let's calculate the amount downloaded over how long try: first,last = packets[0][0],packets[-1][0] chunks = sum([float(x[1]) for x in packets]) t = last-first assert t >= 0 bytes_speed = 1. / t * chunks speed = " | {}/s".format(get_size(bytes_speed,round_to=1)) # Get our remaining time if total_size > 0: seconds_left = (total_size-bytes_so_far) / bytes_speed days = seconds_left // 86400 hours = (seconds_left - (days*86400)) // 3600 mins = (seconds_left - (days*86400) - (hours*3600)) // 60 secs = seconds_left - (days*86400) - (hours*3600) - (mins*60) if days > 99 or bytes_speed == 0: remaining = " | ?? left" else: remaining = " | {}{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d} left".format( "{}:".format(int(days)) if days else "", int(hours), int(mins), int(round(secs)) ) except: pass # Clear the packets so we don't reuse the same ones packets = [] class Downloader: def __init__(self,**kwargs): = kwargs.get("useragent",{"User-Agent":"Mozilla"}) self.chunk = 1048576 # 1024 x 1024 i.e. 1MiB if"nt": os.system("color") # Initialize cmd for ANSI escapes # Provide reasonable default logic to workaround macOS CA file handling cafile = ssl.get_default_verify_paths().openssl_cafile try: # If default OpenSSL CA file does not exist, use that from certifi if not os.path.exists(cafile): import certifi cafile = certifi.where() self.ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=cafile) except: # None of the above worked, disable certificate verification for now self.ssl_context = ssl._create_unverified_context() return def _decode(self, value, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore"): # Helper method to only decode if bytes type if sys.version_info >= (3,0) and isinstance(value, bytes): return value.decode(encoding,errors) return value def _update_main_name(self): # Windows running python 2 seems to have issues with multiprocessing # if the case of the main script's name is incorrect: # e.g. vs # # To work around this, we try to scrape for the correct case if # possible. try: path = os.path.abspath(sys.modules["__main__"].__file__) except AttributeError as e: # This likely means we're running from the interpreter # directly return None if not os.path.isfile(path): return None # Get the file name and folder path name = os.path.basename(path).lower() fldr = os.path.dirname(path) # Walk the files in the folder until we find our # name - then steal its case and update that path for f in os.listdir(fldr): if f.lower() == name.lower(): # Got it new_path = os.path.join(fldr,f) sys.modules["__main__"].__file__ = new_path return new_path # If we got here, it wasn't found return None def open_url(self, url, headers = None): # Fall back on the default ua if none provided headers = if headers is None else headers # Wrap up the try/except block so we don't have to do this for each function try: response = urlopen(Request(url, headers=headers), context=self.ssl_context) except Exception as e: # No fixing this - bail return None return response def get_size(self, *args, **kwargs): return get_size(*args,**kwargs) def get_string(self, url, progress = True, headers = None, expand_gzip = True): response = self.get_bytes(url,progress,headers,expand_gzip) if response is None: return None return self._decode(response) def get_bytes(self, url, progress = True, headers = None, expand_gzip = True): response = self.open_url(url, headers) if response is None: return None try: total_size = int(response.headers['Content-Length']) except: total_size = -1 chunk_so_far = b"" packets = queue = process = None if progress: # Make sure our vars are initialized packets = [] if progress else None queue = multiprocessing.Queue() # Create the multiprocess and start it process = multiprocessing.Process(target=_process_hook,args=(queue,total_size)) process.daemon = True # Filthy hack for earlier python versions on Windows if == "nt" and hasattr(multiprocessing,"forking"): self._update_main_name() process.start() while True: chunk = if progress: # Add our items to the queue queue.put((time.time(),len(chunk))) if not chunk: break chunk_so_far += chunk if expand_gzip and response.headers.get("Content-Encoding","unknown").lower() == "gzip": fileobj = BytesIO(chunk_so_far) gfile = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=fileobj) return if progress: # Finalize the queue and wait queue.put("DONE") process.join() return chunk_so_far def stream_to_file(self, url, file_path, progress = True, headers = None, ensure_size_if_present = True): response = self.open_url(url, headers) if response is None: return None bytes_so_far = 0 try: total_size = int(response.headers['Content-Length']) except: total_size = -1 packets = queue = process = None if progress: # Make sure our vars are initialized packets = [] if progress else None queue = multiprocessing.Queue() # Create the multiprocess and start it process = multiprocessing.Process(target=_process_hook,args=(queue,total_size)) process.daemon = True # Filthy hack for earlier python versions on Windows if == "nt" and hasattr(multiprocessing,"forking"): self._update_main_name() process.start() with open(file_path, 'wb') as f: while True: chunk = bytes_so_far += len(chunk) if progress: # Add our items to the queue queue.put((time.time(),len(chunk))) if not chunk: break f.write(chunk) if progress: # Finalize the queue and wait queue.put("DONE") process.join() if ensure_size_if_present and total_size != -1: # We're verifying size - make sure we got what we asked for if bytes_so_far != total_size: return None # We didn't - imply it failed return file_path if os.path.exists(file_path) else None