We dont collect or share your personal information,period.

thats our privacy policy TL;DR

see history (last update 08.06.2022)

Poketube doesnt collect or sell your information,ever. Poketube doesnt use cookies in any way.youtube can not see the videos your wathching,nor we can see them. poketube is non profit,and its not made for earning money.

poketube is a fully open source project hosted on glitch.com. you can see the source code here

Poketube uses LigthTubes API (https://gitlab.com/kuylar/lighttube/) to fetch youtube videos,kuylar (LigthTube maiterner) can not see the video your watching.

poketube works whitout Javascript. so you can run on older browsers (if they have html5 video and https support,of course. you can try http://poketube.glitch.me whitout https.)

We also use https://returnyoutubedislike.com/ to get dislikes for a youtube video. and yes,they still cant see which video you are watching.