# The glossary contains commonly used or agreed translations for words. This is used to cut down on the amount of # repeated strings shared between Vencord and plugins, and makes reusing them easy. # # Since this is a glossary for other translations and are loaded with every context, they are made into terms so that # they cannot be used by developers directly, but rather need to be interpolated into messages. For example: # # vencord-appreciation = I love {-vencord}! # # is the correct way of using the `-vencord` term since `-vencord` is not accessible from the translation function. # # This glossary is the reference glossary. Since languages are complex, some glossaries may have a different set of # facets or terms to make it more compatible with that language (not one size fits all after all!) and the appropriate # translation files will need to account for that. Every language, however, should have at least a minimal glossary. # # For translators, if a glossary contains the word in the context you need it in, use the glossary. If it doesn't due to # a grammatical issue, it is preferred to extend the glossary with a new facet for the context you need to use it in for # future use in other translations. If you see a commonly repeated word or phrase that might benefit from being in the # glossary, please open an issue on GitHub to discuss it since we need to look into moving it into the glossary for # other languages as well. -vencord = Vencord