"use babel"; export default [ { name: ".Clear find", category: "Editor", command: "editor:clear-find", selector: "body", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Change note status to none", category: "Editor", command: "editor:change-note-status-none", selector: "body", shortcut: ["alt", "shft", "1"], }, { name: ".Change note status to active", category: "Editor", command: "editor:change-note-status-active", selector: "body", shortcut: ["alt", "shft", "2"], }, { name: ".Change note status to onhold", category: "Editor", command: "editor:change-note-status-onhold", selector: "body", shortcut: ["alt", "shft", "3"], }, { name: ".Change note status to completed", category: "Editor", command: "editor:change-note-status-completed", selector: "body", shortcut: ["alt", "shft", "4"], }, { name: ".Change note status to dropped", category: "Editor", command: "editor:change-note-status-dropped", selector: "body", shortcut: ["alt", "shft", "5"], }, { name: ".Delete char after", category: "Editor", command: "editor:delete-char-after", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["delete"], }, { name: ".Delete char before", category: "Editor", command: "editor:delete-char-before", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["bkspc"], }, { name: ".Delete group after", category: "Editor", command: "editor:delete-group-after", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "delete"], }, { name: ".Delete group before", category: "Editor", command: "editor:delete-group-before", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "bkspc"], }, { name: ".Delete line", category: "Editor", command: "editor:delete-line", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "d"], }, { name: ".Delete word after", category: "Editor", command: "editor:delete-word-after", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Delete word before", category: "Editor", command: "editor:delete-word-before", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Delete wrapped line left", category: "Editor", command: "editor:delete-wrapped-line-left", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Delete wrapped line right", category: "Editor", command: "editor:delete-wrapped-line-right", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Find", category: "Editor", command: "editor:find", selector: "body", shortcut: ["ctrl", "f"], }, { name: ".Find next", category: "Editor", command: "editor:find-next", selector: "body", shortcut: ["ctrl", "g"], }, { name: ".Find prev", category: "Editor", command: "editor:find-prev", selector: "body", shortcut: ["ctrl", "shft", "g"], }, { name: ".Find text", category: "Editor", command: "editor:find-text", selector: "body", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Focus", category: "Editor", command: "editor:focus", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "return"], }, { name: ".Focus Markdown Editor", category: "Editor", command: "editor:focus-mde", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Focus preview", category: "Editor", command: "editor:focus-preview", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Go to left of character", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-char-left", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["left"], }, { name: ".Go to right of character", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-char-right", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["right"], }, { name: ".Go to document end", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-doc-end", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "end"], }, { name: ".Go to document start", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-doc-start", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "home"], }, { name: ".Go group left", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-group-left", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "left"], }, { name: ".Go group right", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-group-right", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "right"], }, { name: ".Go line down", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-line-down", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["down"], }, { name: ".Go line end", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-line-end", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["end"], }, { name: ".Go line left", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-line-left", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Go line right", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-line-right", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Go line start", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-line-start", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["home"], }, { name: ".Go line up", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-line-up", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["up"], }, { name: ".Go page down", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-page-down", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["page down"], }, { name: ".Go page up", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-page-up", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["page up"], }, { name: ".Go word left", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-word-left", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Go word right", category: "Editor", command: "editor:go-word-right", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Indent", category: "Editor", command: "editor:indent", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["tab"], }, { name: ".Indent less", category: "Editor", command: "editor:indent-less", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "["], }, { name: ".Indent more", category: "Editor", command: "editor:indent-more", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "]"], }, { name: ".Insert images", category: "Editor", command: "editor:insert-images", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Jump to line", category: "Editor", command: "editor:jump-to-line", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "g"], }, { name: ".Delete line", category: "Editor", command: "editor:kill-line", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".New line", category: "Editor", command: "editor:new-line", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["return"], }, { name: ".Open line", category: "Editor", command: "editor:open-line", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Open link", category: "Editor", command: "editor:open-link", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "alt", "o"], }, { name: ".Redo selection", category: "Editor", command: "editor:redo-selection", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "shft", "u"], }, { name: ".Replace", category: "Editor", command: "editor:replace", selector: "body", shortcut: ["ctrl", "alt", "f"], }, { name: ".Replace selection", category: "Editor", command: "editor:replace-selection", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Save editor scroll", category: "Editor", command: "editor:save-editor-scroll", selector: "core:unknown", state: "disabled", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Save preview scroll", category: "Editor", command: "editor:save-preview-scroll", selector: "core:unknown", state: "disabled", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Scroll editor to line", category: "Editor", command: "editor:scroll-editor-to-line", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Scroll preview to line", category: "Editor", command: "editor:scroll-preview-to-line", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Select all", category: "Editor", command: "editor:select-all", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "a"], }, { name: ".Select lines downward", category: "Editor", command: "editor:select-lines-downward", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "shift", "down"], }, { name: ".Select lines upward", category: "Editor", command: "editor:select-lines-upward", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "shift", "up"], }, { name: ".Single selection", category: "Editor", command: "editor:single-selection", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["esc"], }, { name: ".Toggle overwrite", category: "Editor", command: "editor:toggle-overwrite", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["insert"], }, { name: ".Toggle task list", category: "Editor", command: "editor:toggle-task-list", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Transpose chars", category: "Editor", command: "editor:transpose-chars", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ".Undo selection", category: "Editor", command: "editor:undo-selection", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "alt", "u"], }, { name: ".Unindent", category: "Editor", command: "editor:unindent", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["shft", "tab"], }, { name: ".Move focus to next", category: "Editor", command: "editor:move-focus-to-next", selector: ".editor-header-title-input input", state: "buggy", shortcut: ["return"], }, { name: ".Focus title", category: "Editor", command: "editor:title:focus", selector: ".note-list-bar", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["return"], }, ];