"use babel"; export default [ { name: ">Copy", category: "Core", command: "core:copy", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "c"], }, { name: ">Copy Image", category: "Core", command: "core:copy-image", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Copy Note Link", category: "Core", command: "core:copy-note-link", selector: ".note-list-bar", shortcut: ["ctrl", "c"], }, { name: ">Cut", category: "Core", command: "core:cut", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "x"], }, { name: ">Delete Note", category: "Core", command: "core:delete-note", selector: ".note-list-bar", shortcut: ["ctrl", "bkspc"], }, { name: ">Delete Notebook", category: "Core", command: "core:delete-notebook", state: "disabled", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Delete Tag", category: "Core", command: "core:delete-tag", state: "disabled", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Duplicate Note", category: "Core", command: "core:duplicate-note", selector: ".note-list-bar", shortcut: ["ctrl", "d"], }, { name: ">Empty Trash", category: "Core", command: "core:empty-trash", selector: "body", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Filter notes", category: "Core", command: "core:filter-notes", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Filter by tag", category: "Core", command: "core:filter-by-tag", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Find", category: "Core", command: "core:find", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "shft", "f"], }, { name: ">Clear search bar", category: "Core", command: "core:find-clear", selector: ".note-list-search-bar input", shortcut: ["esc"], }, { name: ">Find (Global)", category: "Core", command: "core:find-global", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "alt", "shft", "f"], }, { name: ">Focus next", category: "Core", command: "core:focus-next", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["tab"], }, { name: ">Focus note list bar", category: "Core", command: "core:focus-note-list-bar", selector: ".note-list-search-bar input", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "alt", "l"], }, { name: ">Focus previous", category: "Core", command: "core:focus-previous", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Move notebook", category: "Core", command: "core:move-notebook", state: "disabled", selector: "body", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Move to notebook", category: "Core", command: "core:move-to-notebook", selector: ".note-list-bar", shortcut: ["ctrl", "alt", "m"], }, { name: ">Navigate back", category: "Core", command: "core:navigate-back", selector: "body", shortcut: ["alt", "left"], }, { name: ">Navigate forward", category: "Core", command: "core:navigate-forward", selector: "body", shortcut: ["alt", "right"], }, { name: ">New Note", category: "Core", command: "core:new-note", selector: "body", shortcut: ["ctrl", "n"], }, { name: ">New Notebook", category: "Core", command: "core:new-notebook", selector: "body", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Show all notes", category: "Core", command: "core:note-list-show-all-notes", selector: "body", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Show all notes in specified notebook", category: "Core", command: "core:note-list-show-notes-in-book", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Show all notes by tag", category: "Core", command: "core:notes-list-show-notes-with-tag", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Show all notes with status", category: "Core", command: "core:note-list-show-notes-with-status", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Show notes in book of editing note", category: "Core", command: "core:note-list-show-notes-in-book-of-editing-note", selector: "body", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Open first note", category: "Core", command: "core:open-first-note", selector: "body", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Open next note", category: "Core", command: "core:open-next-note", selector: "body", shortcut: ["ctrl", "tab"], }, { name: ">Close note", category: "Core", command: "core:close-note", selector: "body", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Open note", category: "Core", command: "core:open-note", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Open note in separate window", category: "Core", command: "core:open-note-in-separate-window", selector: "body", shortcut: ["shft", "return"], }, { name: ">Open previous note", category: "Core", command: "core:open-prev-note", selector: "body", shortcut: ["ctrl", "shift", "tab"], }, { name: ">Open tag settings", category: "Core", command: "core:open-tag-settings", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Paste", category: "Core", command: "core:paste", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "v"], }, { name: ">Redo", category: "Core", command: "core:redo", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "y"], }, { name: ">Rename Notebook", category: "Core", command: "core:rename-notebook", selector: "body", state: "disabled", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Save Image", category: "Core", command: "core:save-image", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Save Note", category: "Core", command: "core:save-note", selector: "body", shortcut: ["ctrl", "s"], }, { name: ">Select all", category: "Core", command: "core:select-all", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "a"], }, { name: ">Search notes", category: "Core", command: "core:search-notes", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Share note", category: "Core", command: "core:share-note", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Show note revisions", category: "Core", command: "core:show-note-revisions", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Focus sidebar", category: "Core", command: "core:sidebar-focus", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["shft", "tab"], }, { name: ">Select next item on sidebar", category: "Core", command: "core:sidebar-select-next-item", selector: "body", shortcut: ["up"], }, { name: ">Select previous item on sidebar", category: "Core", command: "core:sidebar-select-prev-item", selector: "body", shortcut: ["down"], }, { name: ">Disclose item on sidebar", category: "Core", command: "core:sidebar-disclose-item", selector: "body", shortcut: ["enter"], }, { name: ">Expand item on sidebar", category: "Core", command: "core:sidebar-expand-item", selector: "body", shortcut: ["right"], }, { name: ">Collapse item on sidebar", category: "Core", command: "core:sidebar-collapse-item", selector: "body", shortcut: ["left"], }, { name: ">Undo", category: "Core", command: "core:undo", selector: ".mde-cm-wrapper", shortcut: ["ctrl", "z"], }, { name: ">Toggle editor drawer", category: "Core", command: "core:toggle-editor-drawer", selector: "body", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "j"], }, { name: ">Show editor drawer", category: "Core", command: "core:show-editor-drawer", selector: "body", shortcut: [""], }, { name: ">Close editor drawer", category: "Core", command: "core:close-editor-drawer", selector: "body", shortcut: ["esc"], }, { name: ">Do nothing", category: "Core", command: "core:do-nothing", selector: ".editor-header-title-input input", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "w"], }, { name: ">Copy preview selection", category: "Core", command: "core:do-nothing", selector: ".mde-preview", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["ctrl", "c"], }, { name: ">Hide workspace menu on sidebar", category: "Core", command: "core:sidebar-hide-workspace-menu", selector: ".sidebar-workspace-menu", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["bkspc"], }, { name: ">Unpin/Pin note to top", category: "Core", command: "core:pin-note-to-top", selector: ".note-list-bar", shortcut: ["p"], }, { name: ">Submit", category: "Core", command: "core:submit", selector: ".input-datetime", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["return"], }, { name: ">Cancel", category: "Core", command: "core:cancel", selector: ".input-datetime", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["esc"], }, { name: ">Move up on list bar", category: "Core", command: "core:list-bar-move-up", selector: ".list-bar", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["up"], }, { name: ">Move down on list bar", category: "Core", command: "core:list-bar-move-down", selector: ".list-bar", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["down"], }, { name: ">Invoke submit on list bar", category: "Core", command: "core:list-bar-submit", selector: ".list-bar", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["return"], }, { name: ">Cancel list bar action", category: "Core", command: "core:list-bar-cancel", selector: ".list-bar", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["esc"], }, { name: ">Move up on notebook list", category: "Core", command: "core:notebook-list-bar-input-move-up", selector: ".notebook-list-bar input", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["up"], }, { name: ">Move down on notebook list", category: "Core", command: "core:notebook-list-bar-input-move-down", selector: ".notebook-list-bar input", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["down"], }, { name: ">Invoke submit on notebook list", category: "Core", command: "core:notebook-list-bar-input-move-submit", selector: ".notebook-list-bar input", state: "notworking", shortcut: ["return"], }, ];