# inkdrop command palette A VSCode-like command palette for Inkdrop. (Invoke using `Ctrl+K`) https://my.inkdrop.app/plugins/command-palette > 💡 You may need to reload Inkdrop for this plugin to work. `Ctrl` + `Alt` + `R` ![Inkdrop_logbdEi1qT](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/53419401/186372300-eadccb9e-5acb-4771-ac1c-1d46728ce75a.gif) ## Features - Access and Invoke almost any command in Inkdrop. - Filter commands by `.` for Formatting Commands and by `>` for application commands. - Know which keyboard shortcuts are associated per command[^1]. - Search every command[^2] in Inkdrop. - Extensible and easily configurable for plugin developers. ## Install ```css ipm install command-palette ``` ## Keybindings | Command | Explanation | Keybind | | --------------------- | ------------------------------- | ------- | | commandpalette:toggle | Shows/Hides the Command Palette | Ctrl+K | #### add it to your keymap.cson ```js 'body': 'ctrl-k': 'commandpalette:toggle' ``` ## Changelog #### 1.0.0 - 08/24/2022 - Initial release, yay! ## Ideas - [ ] configurable settings? I don't know what to put here though... ## Todo - [ ] ability to use commands that require an argument, **requires a bit of reverse engineering** - [ ] finalize decision on whether i should isolate commands such as `focus on ****` because we'd be already focusing on it or have another command invokable related to it that works targeted by the selector[^3]. - [ ] code documentation/prettify to make it less stressful on the eyes. - [ ] find a way to make commands that rely on native stuff target the proper selector, as of now i could only rule this as a javascript DOM limitation (still researching on it though!) ###### 1: Current version is limited to only default keybindings, planned support for user defined `keymaps.cson` is in the works. ###### 2: Provided that the plugin developer provides support for their command via `lib/commands/plugins.js` ###### 3: For now, if you search for a command like that, it won't show anything but it's always visible on the full list, oh and you can't invoke it either.