Ayase Minori sr229


Hey, you're finally here. You were trying to find some sort of exhaustive resource about me? Cool! Then this README is designed for you to know how exactly I am.

Who am I?

Hey, I'm Ayase Minori, you also know me as Capuccino or Ayane Satomi on Twitter or in osu!. I'm a hobbyist coder since middle school and I've been working on stuff ranging from cloud-native technologies like Docker and Kubernetes to native application development with .NET, Rust and Zig.

Have you done anything notable?

Nope! Though my pinned projects are my projects or the projects I've contributed to. I'm happy to make them or to be part of them, and would continue to do so. I enjoy making projects that makes me happy and makes everyone happy as well.

Can I support you?

Of course! My official funding links are here:

  • GitHub Sponsors
  • Ko-fi
  • Stellar Network: chinodesuuu*keybase.io or GB6R5VUMCUVMKZNWWZPH5TZ5BLKQ3KUPYERBUJTD4DMYBAX3GG7S2TX7

Giving my projects stars also helps! It means a lot to me when people stop by and they think its excellent, so don't shy away giving stars if you think I'm doing well.

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