import { Button } from "../components/Button.tsx"; import { useEffect, useState } from "preact/hooks"; interface SharedProps { globalCount: bigint; audioFiles: string[]; } /** * Scrolls the mascot from right to left relative to the viewport */ export function animateMascot() { // create a new element to animate let id = 0; const mascotId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; const scrollSpeed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 30) + 20; const reversalSpeed = 100 - Math.floor(scrollSpeed); const counterButton = document.getElementById("ctr-btn") as HTMLElement; const mascotEl = document.createElement("img"); const parentEl = document.getElementById("mascot-tgt") as HTMLElement; mascotEl.src = `/assets/img/hertaa${mascotId}.gif`; = "-500px"; = "60%"; = counterButton.getClientRects()[0].top + scrollY - 408 + "px"; mascotEl.classList.add("z-[0]", "absolute", "bg-scroll"); parentEl.appendChild(mascotEl); let pos = -500; const limit = window.innerWidth + 500; clearInterval(id); id = setInterval(() => { if (pos >= limit) { clearInterval(id); mascotEl.remove(); } else { pos += Math.floor(window.innerWidth / reversalSpeed); = pos + "px"; } }, 12); } export default function Counter(props: SharedProps) { const [count, setCount] = useState(0); const [globalCount, setGlobalCount] = useState( BigInt(props.globalCount ?? 0), ); const [internalCount, setInternalCount] = useState(0); const [timer, setTimer] = useState(0); const ipc = new BroadcastChannel("counterIpc"); const THRESHOLD_CLICKS = 30; // Maximum number of clicks in an interval const INTERVAL_TIME_SECONDS = 60 * 0.5; // Every 30 seconds const [clicksInInterval, setClicksInInterval] = useState(0); const [intervalTime, setIntervalTime] = useState(0); const clickThresholdSurpassed = () => { return clicksInInterval >= THRESHOLD_CLICKS; } useEffect(() => { if (clickThresholdSurpassed()) { // Setup a timer const intervalId = setTimeout(() => { // Update interval time setIntervalTime(prevTime => prevTime + 1); // Reset interval if expired if (intervalTime >= INTERVAL_TIME_SECONDS) { setIntervalTime(0); setClicksInInterval(0); } }, 1000 * 1); return () => { clearInterval(intervalId) } } }, [clicksInInterval, intervalTime]); const onClick = () => { setInternalCount(internalCount + 1); setClicksInInterval(clicksInInterval + 1); setCount(count + 1); animateMascot(); let audioFile = props.audioFiles[Math.floor(Math.random() * props.audioFiles.length)]; let lastAudioPlayed = audioFile; const audio = new Audio(); // Check if the audio file is the same as the last one played // If so, pick another one if (lastAudioPlayed === audioFile) { audioFile = props.audioFiles[Math.floor(Math.random() * props.audioFiles.length)]; lastAudioPlayed = audioFile; audio.src = audioFile; } else { audio.src = audioFile; }; clearTimeout(timer); setTimer(setTimeout(() => { // guard against numbers that are beyond MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. if (internalCount === Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { console.warn( "Data too large to be submitted and represented safely. Disposing.", ); setCount(0); setInternalCount(0); } else { ipc.postMessage(internalCount + 1); `[${new Date().toISOString()}] Updating global count: ${ internalCount + 1 }`, ); setInternalCount(0); } }, 2048)); }; const handleWSEvents = (ws: WebSocket) => { const heartbeatFunc = (fName: number) => { if (ws.readyState === 1) ws.send((0x0).toString()); // do nothing because you can do nothing else return; }; const tmFunc = () => { console.warn("Server is down, reconnecting..."); ws.close(); ws = new WebSocket(window.location.href.replace("http", "ws")); handleWSEvents(ws); }; let heartbeat = setInterval(() => heartbeatFunc(heartbeat), 15000); let tm = setTimeout(tmFunc, 30000); ws.onopen = () => { console.log( `[${new Date().toISOString()}] Connected to statistics socket`, ); ws.send(0x0.toString()); }; ws.onmessage = (e) => { switch ( { case (0x1).toString(): clearTimeout(tm); clearInterval(heartbeat); heartbeat = setInterval(() => heartbeatFunc(heartbeat), 15000); tm = setTimeout(tmFunc, 30000); break; default: { const data = JSON.parse(; setGlobalCount(BigInt(parseInt(data.globalCount))); } } }; ws.onclose = () => { console.warn( `[${new Date().toISOString()}] Disconnected from statistics socket.`, ); }; ws.onerror = (e) => { console.error(`[${new Date().toISOString()}] Socket Errored. ${e.type}`); }; }; useEffect(() => { let ws = new WebSocket(window.location.href.replace("http", "ws")); handleWSEvents(ws); ipc.addEventListener("message", (e) => { ws.send(JSON.stringify({data:})); }); const onlineHandler = () => { console.log("Client detected online, resuming connection."); ws = new WebSocket(window.location.href.replace("http", "ws")); handleWSEvents(ws); }; const offlineHandler = () => { console.warn("Client detected offline!"); ws!.close(); }; globalThis.window.addEventListener("online", onlineHandler); globalThis.window.addEventListener("offline", offlineHandler); globalThis.window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => { ws!.close(); }); return () => { globalThis.window.removeEventListener("online", onlineHandler); globalThis.window.removeEventListener("offline", offlineHandler); handleWSEvents(ws!); ws!.close(); }; }, []); return (


Times the kuru was squished~

{!clickThresholdSurpassed() && } {clickThresholdSurpassed() &&

Too many squishes! Wait until {INTERVAL_TIME_SECONDS - intervalTime} seconds.


Everyone has squished the kuru {globalCount.toLocaleString()} times!

); }