Remove vestigial files in build

Signed-off-by: GitHub <>
This commit is contained in:
Ayase Minori 2024-05-12 04:31:21 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent d99caf6666
commit 933506af7a
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
7 changed files with 0 additions and 5404 deletions

View file

@ -1,572 +0,0 @@
/* Partytown 0.8.1 - MIT */
(window => {
const isPromise = v => "object" == typeof v && v && v.then;
const noop = () => {};
const len = obj => obj.length;
const getConstructorName = obj => {
var _a, _b, _c;
try {
const constructorName = null === (_a = null == obj ? void 0 : obj.constructor) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 :;
if (constructorName) {
return constructorName;
} catch (e) {}
try {
const zoneJsConstructorName = null === (_c = null === (_b = null == obj ? void 0 : obj.__zone_symbol__originalInstance) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.constructor) || void 0 === _c ? void 0 :;
if (zoneJsConstructorName) {
return zoneJsConstructorName;
} catch (e) {}
return "";
const startsWith = (str, val) => str.startsWith(val);
const isValidMemberName = memberName => !(startsWith(memberName, "webkit") || startsWith(memberName, "toJSON") || startsWith(memberName, "constructor") || startsWith(memberName, "toString") || startsWith(memberName, "_"));
const getNodeName = node => 11 === node.nodeType && ? "#s" : node.nodeName;
const randomId = () => Math.round(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).toString(36);
const defineConstructorName = (Cstr, value) => ((obj, memberName, descriptor) => Object.defineProperty(obj, memberName, {
configurable: true
}))(Cstr, "name", {
value: value
const htmlConstructorTags = {
Anchor: "a",
DList: "dl",
Image: "img",
OList: "ol",
Paragraph: "p",
Quote: "q",
TableCaption: "caption",
TableCell: "td",
TableCol: "colgroup",
TableRow: "tr",
TableSection: "tbody",
UList: "ul"
const svgConstructorTags = {
Graphics: "g",
SVG: "svg"
const InstanceIdKey = Symbol();
const CreatedKey = Symbol();
const instances = new Map;
const mainRefs = new Map;
const winCtxs = {};
const windowIds = new WeakMap;
const getAndSetInstanceId = (instance, instanceId) => {
if (instance) {
if (instanceId = windowIds.get(instance)) {
return instanceId;
(instanceId = instance[InstanceIdKey]) || setInstanceId(instance, instanceId = randomId());
return instanceId;
const getInstance = (winId, instanceId, win, doc, docId) => {
if ((win = winCtxs[winId]) && win.$window$) {
if (winId === instanceId) {
return win.$window$;
doc = win.$window$.document;
docId = instanceId.split(".").pop();
if ("d" === docId) {
return doc;
if ("e" === docId) {
return doc.documentElement;
if ("h" === docId) {
return doc.head;
if ("b" === docId) {
return doc.body;
return instances.get(instanceId);
const setInstanceId = (instance, instanceId, now) => {
if (instance) {
instances.set(instanceId, instance);
instance[InstanceIdKey] = instanceId;
instance[CreatedKey] = now =;
if (now > lastCleanup + 5e3) {
instances.forEach(((storedInstance, instanceId) => {
storedInstance[CreatedKey] < lastCleanup && storedInstance.nodeType && !storedInstance.isConnected && instances.delete(instanceId);
lastCleanup = now;
let lastCleanup = 0;
const mainWindow = window.parent;
const docImpl = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
const config = mainWindow.partytown || {};
const libPath = (config.lib || "/~partytown/") + "debug/";
const logMain = msg => {
console.debug.apply(console, [ "%cMain 🌎", "background: #717171; color: white; padding: 2px 3px; border-radius: 2px; font-size: 0.8em;", msg ]);
const winIds = [];
const normalizedWinId = winId => {
winIds.includes(winId) || winIds.push(winId);
return winIds.indexOf(winId) + 1;
const defineCustomElement = (winId, worker, ceData) => {
const Cstr = defineConstructorName(class extends winCtxs[winId].$window$.HTMLElement {}, ceData[0]);
const ceCallbackMethods = "connectedCallback,disconnectedCallback,attributeChangedCallback,adoptedCallback".split(","); => Cstr.prototype[callbackMethodName] = function(...args) {
worker.postMessage([ 15, winId, getAndSetInstanceId(this), callbackMethodName, args ]);
Cstr.observedAttributes = ceData[1];
return Cstr;
const serializeForWorker = ($winId$, value, added, type, cstrName, prevInstanceId) => void 0 !== value && (type = typeof value) ? "string" === type || "number" === type || "boolean" === type || null == value ? [ 0, value ] : "function" === type ? [ 6 ] : (added = added || new Set) && Array.isArray(value) ? added.has(value) ? [ 1, [] ] : added.add(value) && [ 1, => serializeForWorker($winId$, v, added))) ] : "object" === type ? serializedValueIsError(value) ? [ 14, {
message: value.message,
stack: value.stack
} ] : "" === (cstrName = getConstructorName(value)) ? [ 2, {} ] : "Window" === cstrName ? [ 3, [ $winId$, $winId$ ] ] : "HTMLCollection" === cstrName || "NodeList" === cstrName ? [ 7, Array.from(value).map((v => serializeForWorker($winId$, v, added)[1])) ] : cstrName.endsWith("Event") ? [ 5, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added) ] : "CSSRuleList" === cstrName ? [ 12, Array.from(value).map(serializeCssRuleForWorker) ] : startsWith(cstrName, "CSS") && cstrName.endsWith("Rule") ? [ 11, serializeCssRuleForWorker(value) ] : "CSSStyleDeclaration" === cstrName ? [ 13, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added) ] : "Attr" === cstrName ? [ 10, [, value.value ] ] : value.nodeType ? [ 3, [ $winId$, getAndSetInstanceId(value), getNodeName(value), prevInstanceId ] ] : [ 2, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added, true, true) ] : void 0 : value;
const serializeObjectForWorker = (winId, obj, added, includeFunctions, includeEmptyStrings, serializedObj, propName, propValue) => {
serializedObj = {};
if (!added.has(obj)) {
for (propName in obj) {
if (isValidMemberName(propName)) {
propValue = "path" === propName && getConstructorName(obj).endsWith("Event") ? obj.composedPath() : obj[propName];
(includeFunctions || "function" != typeof propValue) && (includeEmptyStrings || "" !== propValue) && (serializedObj[propName] = serializeForWorker(winId, propValue, added));
return serializedObj;
const serializeCssRuleForWorker = cssRule => {
let obj = {};
let key;
for (key in cssRule) {
validCssRuleProps.includes(key) && (obj[key] = String(cssRule[key]));
return obj;
const serializedValueIsError = value => value instanceof;
const deserializeFromWorker = (worker, serializedTransfer, serializedType, serializedValue) => {
if (serializedTransfer) {
serializedType = serializedTransfer[0];
serializedValue = serializedTransfer[1];
return 0 === serializedType ? serializedValue : 4 === serializedType ? deserializeRefFromWorker(worker, serializedValue) : 1 === serializedType ? => deserializeFromWorker(worker, v))) : 3 === serializedType ? getInstance(serializedValue[0], serializedValue[1]) : 5 === serializedType ? constructEvent(deserializeObjectFromWorker(worker, serializedValue)) : 2 === serializedType ? deserializeObjectFromWorker(worker, serializedValue) : 8 === serializedType ? serializedValue : 9 === serializedType ? new window[serializedTransfer[2]](serializedValue) : void 0;
const deserializeRefFromWorker = (worker, {$winId$: $winId$, $instanceId$: $instanceId$, $refId$: $refId$}, ref) => {
ref = mainRefs.get($refId$);
if (!ref) {
ref = function(...args) {
worker.postMessage([ 9, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$instanceId$: $instanceId$,
$refId$: $refId$,
$thisArg$: serializeForWorker($winId$, this),
$args$: serializeForWorker($winId$, args)
} ]);
mainRefs.set($refId$, ref);
return ref;
const constructEvent = eventProps => new ("detail" in eventProps ? CustomEvent : Event)(eventProps.type, eventProps);
const deserializeObjectFromWorker = (worker, serializedValue, obj, key) => {
obj = {};
for (key in serializedValue) {
obj[key] = deserializeFromWorker(worker, serializedValue[key]);
return obj;
const validCssRuleProps = "cssText,selectorText,href,media,namespaceURI,prefix,name,conditionText".split(",");
const mainAccessHandler = async (worker, accessReq) => {
let accessRsp = {
$msgId$: accessReq.$msgId$
let totalTasks = len(accessReq.$tasks$);
let i = 0;
let task;
let winId;
let applyPath;
let instance;
let rtnValue;
let isLast;
for (;i < totalTasks; i++) {
try {
isLast = i === totalTasks - 1;
task = accessReq.$tasks$[i];
winId = task.$winId$;
applyPath = task.$applyPath$;
!winCtxs[winId] && winId.startsWith("f_") && await new Promise((resolve => {
let check = 0;
let callback = () => {
winCtxs[winId] || check++ > 1e3 ? resolve() : requestAnimationFrame(callback);
if (1 === applyPath[0] && applyPath[1] in winCtxs[winId].$window$) {
setInstanceId(new winCtxs[winId].$window$[applyPath[1]](...deserializeFromWorker(worker, applyPath[2])), task.$instanceId$);
} else {
instance = getInstance(winId, task.$instanceId$);
if (instance) {
rtnValue = applyToInstance(worker, winId, instance, applyPath, isLast, task.$groupedGetters$);
task.$assignInstanceId$ && ("string" == typeof task.$assignInstanceId$ ? setInstanceId(rtnValue, task.$assignInstanceId$) : winCtxs[task.$assignInstanceId$.$winId$] = {
$winId$: task.$assignInstanceId$.$winId$,
$window$: {
document: rtnValue
if (isPromise(rtnValue)) {
rtnValue = await rtnValue;
isLast && (accessRsp.$isPromise$ = true);
isLast && (accessRsp.$rtnValue$ = serializeForWorker(winId, rtnValue, void 0, void 0, void 0, task.$instanceId$));
} else {
accessRsp.$error$ = `Error finding instance "${task.$instanceId$}" on window ${normalizedWinId(winId)}`;
console.error(accessRsp.$error$, task);
} catch (e) {
isLast ? accessRsp.$error$ = String(e.stack || e) : console.error(e);
return accessRsp;
const applyToInstance = (worker, winId, instance, applyPath, isLast, groupedGetters) => {
let i = 0;
let l = len(applyPath);
let next;
let current;
let previous;
let args;
let groupedRtnValues;
for (;i < l; i++) {
current = applyPath[i];
next = applyPath[i + 1];
previous = applyPath[i - 1];
try {
if (!Array.isArray(next)) {
if ("string" == typeof current || "number" == typeof current) {
if (i + 1 === l && groupedGetters) {
groupedRtnValues = {}; => groupedRtnValues[propName] = instance[propName]));
return groupedRtnValues;
instance = instance[current];
} else {
if (0 === next) {
instance[previous] = deserializeFromWorker(worker, current);
if ("function" == typeof instance[previous]) {
args = deserializeFromWorker(worker, current);
"define" === previous && "CustomElementRegistry" === getConstructorName(instance) && (args[1] = defineCustomElement(winId, worker, args[1]));
"insertRule" === previous && args[1] > len(instance.cssRules) && (args[1] = len(instance.cssRules));
instance = instance[previous].apply(instance, args);
if ("play" === previous) {
return Promise.resolve();
} catch (err) {
if (isLast) {
throw err;
console.debug("Non-blocking setter error:", err);
return instance;
const readNextScript = (worker, winCtx) => {
let $winId$ = winCtx.$winId$;
let win = winCtx.$window$;
let doc = win.document;
let scriptSelector = 'script[type="text/partytown"]:not([data-ptid]):not([data-pterror])';
let scriptElm;
let $instanceId$;
let scriptData;
if (doc && doc.body) {
scriptElm = doc.querySelector('script[type="text/partytown"]:not([data-ptid]):not([data-pterror]):not([async]):not([defer])');
scriptElm || (scriptElm = doc.querySelector(scriptSelector));
if (scriptElm) {
scriptElm.dataset.ptid = $instanceId$ = getAndSetInstanceId(scriptElm, $winId$);
scriptData = {
$winId$: $winId$,
$instanceId$: $instanceId$
if (scriptElm.src) {
scriptData.$url$ = scriptElm.src;
scriptData.$orgUrl$ = scriptElm.dataset.ptsrc || scriptElm.src;
} else {
scriptData.$content$ = scriptElm.innerHTML;
worker.postMessage([ 7, scriptData ]);
} else {
if (!winCtx.$isInitialized$) {
winCtx.$isInitialized$ = 1;
((worker, $winId$, win) => {
let queuedForwardCalls = win._ptf;
let forwards = (win.partytown || {}).forward || [];
let i;
let mainForwardFn;
let forwardCall = ($forward$, args) => worker.postMessage([ 10, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$forward$: $forward$,
$args$: serializeForWorker($winId$, Array.from(args))
} ]);
win._ptf = void 0; => {
mainForwardFn = win;
forwardProps.split(".").map(((_, i, arr) => {
mainForwardFn = mainForwardFn[arr[i]] = i + 1 < len(arr) ? mainForwardFn[arr[i]] || ("push" === arr[i + 1] ? [] : {}) : (...args) => forwardCall(arr, args);
if (queuedForwardCalls) {
for (i = 0; i < len(queuedForwardCalls); i += 2) {
forwardCall(queuedForwardCalls[i], queuedForwardCalls[i + 1]);
})(worker, $winId$, win);
doc.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("pt0"));
const winType = win === ? "top" : "iframe";
logMain(`Executed ${winType} window ${normalizedWinId($winId$)} environment scripts in ${( - winCtx.$startTime$).toFixed(1)}ms`);
worker.postMessage([ 8, $winId$ ]);
} else {
requestAnimationFrame((() => readNextScript(worker, winCtx)));
const registerWindow = (worker, $winId$, $window$) => {
if (!windowIds.has($window$)) {
windowIds.set($window$, $winId$);
const doc = $window$.document;
const history = $window$.history;
const $parentWinId$ = windowIds.get($window$.parent);
let initialised = false;
const onInitialisedQueue = [];
const onInitialised = callback => {
initialised ? callback() : onInitialisedQueue.push(callback);
const sendInitEnvData = () => {
worker.postMessage([ 5, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$parentWinId$: $parentWinId$,
$url$: doc.baseURI,
$visibilityState$: doc.visibilityState
} ]);
setTimeout((() => {
initialised = true;
onInitialisedQueue.forEach((callback => {
const pushState = history.pushState.bind(history);
const replaceState = history.replaceState.bind(history);
const onLocationChange = (type, state, newUrl, oldUrl) => () => {
setTimeout((() => {
worker.postMessage([ 13, {
$winId$: $winId$,
type: type,
state: state,
url: doc.baseURI,
newUrl: newUrl,
oldUrl: oldUrl
} ]);
history.pushState = (state, _, newUrl) => {
pushState(state, _, newUrl);
onInitialised(onLocationChange(0, state, null == newUrl ? void 0 : newUrl.toString()));
history.replaceState = (state, _, newUrl) => {
replaceState(state, _, newUrl);
onInitialised(onLocationChange(1, state, null == newUrl ? void 0 : newUrl.toString()));
$window$.addEventListener("popstate", (event => {
onInitialised(onLocationChange(2, event.state));
$window$.addEventListener("hashchange", (event => {
onInitialised(onLocationChange(3, {}, event.newURL, event.oldURL));
$window$.addEventListener("ptupdate", (() => {
readNextScript(worker, winCtxs[$winId$]);
doc.addEventListener("visibilitychange", (() => worker.postMessage([ 14, $winId$, doc.visibilityState ])));
winCtxs[$winId$] = {
$winId$: $winId$,
$window$: $window$
winCtxs[$winId$].$startTime$ =;
const winType = $winId$ === $parentWinId$ ? "top" : "iframe";
logMain(`Registered ${winType} window ${normalizedWinId($winId$)}`);
"complete" === doc.readyState ? sendInitEnvData() : $window$.addEventListener("load", sendInitEnvData);
const onMessageFromWebWorker = (worker, msg, winCtx) => {
if (4 === msg[0]) {
registerWindow(worker, randomId(), mainWindow);
} else {
winCtx = winCtxs[msg[1]];
winCtx && (7 === msg[0] ? requestAnimationFrame((() => readNextScript(worker, winCtx))) : 6 === msg[0] && ((worker, winCtx, instanceId, errorMsg, scriptElm) => {
scriptElm = winCtx.$window$.document.querySelector(`[data-ptid="${instanceId}"]`);
if (scriptElm) {
errorMsg ? scriptElm.dataset.pterror = errorMsg : scriptElm.type += "-x";
delete scriptElm.dataset.ptid;
readNextScript(worker, winCtx);
})(worker, winCtx, msg[2], msg[3]));
const readMainInterfaces = () => {
const elms = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(mainWindow).map((interfaceName => ((doc, interfaceName, r, tag) => {
r = interfaceName.match(/^(HTML|SVG)(.+)Element$/);
if (r) {
tag = r[2];
return "S" == interfaceName[0] ? doc.createElementNS("", svgConstructorTags[tag] || tag.slice(0, 2).toLowerCase() + tag.slice(2)) : doc.createElement(htmlConstructorTags[tag] || tag);
})(docImpl, interfaceName))).filter((elm => elm)).map((elm => [ elm ]));
return readImplementations(elms, []);
const readImplementations = (impls, interfaces) => {
const cstrs = new Set([ "Object" ]);
const cstrImpls = impls.filter((implData => implData[0])).map((implData => {
const impl = implData[0];
const interfaceType = implData[1];
const cstrName = getConstructorName(impl);
const CstrPrototype = mainWindow[cstrName].prototype;
return [ cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, interfaceType ];
}));[cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, intefaceType]) => readOwnImplementation(cstrs, interfaces, cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, intefaceType)));
return interfaces;
const readImplementation = (cstrName, impl, memberName) => {
let interfaceMembers = [];
let interfaceInfo = [ cstrName, "Object", interfaceMembers ];
for (memberName in impl) {
readImplementationMember(interfaceMembers, impl, memberName);
return interfaceInfo;
const readOwnImplementation = (cstrs, interfaces, cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, interfaceType) => {
if (!cstrs.has(cstrName)) {
const SuperCstr = Object.getPrototypeOf(CstrPrototype);
const superCstrName = getConstructorName(SuperCstr);
const interfaceMembers = [];
const propDescriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(CstrPrototype);
readOwnImplementation(cstrs, interfaces, superCstrName, SuperCstr, impl, interfaceType);
for (const memberName in propDescriptors) {
readImplementationMember(interfaceMembers, impl, memberName);
interfaces.push([ cstrName, superCstrName, interfaceMembers, interfaceType, getNodeName(impl) ]);
const readImplementationMember = (interfaceMembers, implementation, memberName, value, memberType, cstrName) => {
try {
if (isValidMemberName(memberName) && isNaN(memberName[0]) && "all" !== memberName) {
value = implementation[memberName];
memberType = typeof value;
if ("function" === memberType) {
(String(value).includes("[native") || Object.getPrototypeOf(implementation)[memberName]) && interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, 5 ]);
} else if ("object" === memberType && null != value) {
cstrName = getConstructorName(value);
"Object" !== cstrName && "Function" !== cstrName && self[cstrName] && interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, value.nodeType || cstrName ]);
} else {
"symbol" !== memberType && (memberName.toUpperCase() === memberName ? interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, 6, value ]) : interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, 6 ]));
} catch (e) {
const readStorage = storageName => {
let items = [];
let i = 0;
let l = len(mainWindow[storageName]);
let key;
for (;i < l; i++) {
key = mainWindow[storageName].key(i);
items.push([ key, mainWindow[storageName].getItem(key) ]);
return items;
const getGlobalConstructor = (mainWindow, cstrName) => void 0 !== mainWindow[cstrName] ? new mainWindow[cstrName](noop) : 0;
const addGlobalConstructorUsingPrototype = ($interfaces$, mainWindow, cstrName) => {
void 0 !== mainWindow[cstrName] && $interfaces$.push([ cstrName, "Object", Object.keys(mainWindow[cstrName].prototype).map((propName => [ propName, 6 ])), 12 ]);
let worker;
(async receiveMessage => {
const sharedDataBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(1073741824);
const sharedData = new Int32Array(sharedDataBuffer);
return (worker, msg) => {
const msgType = msg[0];
const accessReq = msg[1];
if (0 === msgType) {
const initData = (() => {
const elm = docImpl.createElement("i");
const textNode = docImpl.createTextNode("");
const comment = docImpl.createComment("");
const frag = docImpl.createDocumentFragment();
const shadowRoot = docImpl.createElement("p").attachShadow({
mode: "open"
const intersectionObserver = getGlobalConstructor(mainWindow, "IntersectionObserver");
const mutationObserver = getGlobalConstructor(mainWindow, "MutationObserver");
const resizeObserver = getGlobalConstructor(mainWindow, "ResizeObserver");
const perf = mainWindow.performance;
const screen = mainWindow.screen;
const impls = [ [ mainWindow.history ], [ perf ], [ perf.navigation ], [ perf.timing ], [ screen ], [ screen.orientation ], [ mainWindow.visualViewport ], [ intersectionObserver, 12 ], [ mutationObserver, 12 ], [ resizeObserver, 12 ], [ textNode ], [ comment ], [ frag ], [ shadowRoot ], [ elm ], [ elm.attributes ], [ elm.classList ], [ elm.dataset ], [ ], [ docImpl ], [ docImpl.doctype ] ];
const initialInterfaces = [ readImplementation("Window", mainWindow), readImplementation("Node", textNode) ];
const $config$ = JSON.stringify(config, ((k, v) => {
if ("function" == typeof v) {
v = String(v);
v.startsWith(k + "(") && (v = "function " + v);
return v;
const initWebWorkerData = {
$config$: $config$,
$interfaces$: readImplementations(impls, initialInterfaces),
$libPath$: new URL(libPath, mainWindow.location) + "",
$origin$: origin,
$localStorage$: readStorage("localStorage"),
$sessionStorage$: readStorage("sessionStorage")
addGlobalConstructorUsingPrototype(initWebWorkerData.$interfaces$, mainWindow, "IntersectionObserverEntry");
return initWebWorkerData;
initData.$sharedDataBuffer$ = sharedDataBuffer;
worker.postMessage([ 1, initData ]);
} else {
2 === msg[0] ? worker.postMessage([ 3, readMainInterfaces() ]) : 11 === msgType ? receiveMessage(accessReq, (accessRsp => {
const stringifiedData = JSON.stringify(accessRsp);
const stringifiedDataLength = stringifiedData.length;
for (let i = 0; i < stringifiedDataLength; i++) {
sharedData[i + 1] = stringifiedData.charCodeAt(i);
sharedData[0] = stringifiedDataLength;
Atomics.notify(sharedData, 0);
})) : onMessageFromWebWorker(worker, msg);
})(((accessReq, responseCallback) => mainAccessHandler(worker, accessReq).then(responseCallback))).then((onMessageHandler => {
if (onMessageHandler) {
worker = new Worker(libPath + "partytown-ww-atomics.js?v=0.8.1", {
name: "Partytown 🎉"
worker.onmessage = ev => {
const msg =;
12 === msg[0] ? mainAccessHandler(worker, msg[1]) : onMessageHandler(worker, msg);
logMain("Created Partytown web worker (0.8.1)");
worker.onerror = ev => console.error("Web Worker Error", ev);
mainWindow.addEventListener("pt1", (ev => registerWindow(worker, getAndSetInstanceId(ev.detail.frameElement), ev.detail)));

View file

@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
/* Partytown 0.8.1 - MIT */
(self => {
const [getter, setter, callMethod, constructGlobal, definePrototypePropertyDescriptor, randomId, WinIdKey, InstanceIdKey, ApplyPathKey] = self.$bridgeToMedia$;
delete self.$bridgeToMedia$;
const ContextKey = Symbol();
const MediaSourceKey = Symbol();
const ReadyStateKey = Symbol();
const SourceBuffersKey = Symbol();
const SourceBufferTasksKey = Symbol();
const TimeRangesKey = Symbol();
const EMPTY_ARRAY = [];
const defineCstr = (win, cstrName, Cstr) => win[cstrName] = defineCstrName(cstrName, Cstr);
const defineCstrName = (cstrName, Cstr) => Object.defineProperty(Cstr, "name", {
value: cstrName
const initCanvas = (WorkerBase, win) => {
const HTMLCanvasDescriptorMap = {
getContext: {
value(contextType, contextAttributes) {
this[ContextKey] || (this[ContextKey] = (contextType.includes("webgl") ? createContextWebGL : createContext2D)(this, contextType, contextAttributes));
return this[ContextKey];
const WorkerCanvasGradient = defineCstr(win, "CanvasGradient", class extends WorkerBase {
addColorStop(...args) {
callMethod(this, [ "addColorStop" ], args, 2);
const WorkerCanvasPattern = defineCstr(win, "CanvasPattern", class extends WorkerBase {
setTransform(...args) {
callMethod(this, [ "setTransform" ], args, 2);
const createContext2D = (canvasInstance, contextType, contextAttributes) => {
const winId = canvasInstance[WinIdKey];
const ctxInstanceId = randomId();
const ctxInstance = {
[WinIdKey]: winId,
[InstanceIdKey]: ctxInstanceId,
[ApplyPathKey]: []
const ctx = callMethod(canvasInstance, [ "getContext" ], [ contextType, contextAttributes ], 1, ctxInstanceId);
const ctx2dGetterMethods = "getContextAttributes,getImageData,getLineDash,getTransform,isPointInPath,isPointInStroke,measureText".split(",");
const CanvasRenderingContext2D = {
get: (target, propName) => "string" == typeof propName && propName in ctx ? "function" == typeof ctx[propName] ? (...args) => {
if (propName.startsWith("create")) {
const instanceId = randomId();
callMethod(ctxInstance, [ propName ], args, 2, instanceId);
if ("createImageData" === propName || "createPattern" === propName) {
(api => {
console.warn(`${api} not implemented`);
return {
setTransform: () => {}
return new WorkerCanvasGradient(winId, instanceId);
const methodCallType = ctx2dGetterMethods.includes(propName) ? 1 : 2;
return callMethod(ctxInstance, [ propName ], args, methodCallType);
} : ctx[propName] : target[propName],
set(target, propName, value) {
if ("string" == typeof propName && propName in ctx) {
ctx[propName] !== value && "function" != typeof value && setter(ctxInstance, [ propName ], value);
ctx[propName] = value;
} else {
target[propName] = value;
return true;
return new Proxy(ctx, CanvasRenderingContext2D);
const createContextWebGL = (canvasInstance, contextType, contextAttributes) => {
const winId = canvasInstance[WinIdKey];
const ctxInstanceId = randomId();
const ctxInstance = {
[WinIdKey]: winId,
[InstanceIdKey]: ctxInstanceId,
[ApplyPathKey]: []
const ctx = callMethod(canvasInstance, [ "getContext" ], [ contextType, contextAttributes ], 1, ctxInstanceId);
const WebGLRenderingContextHandler = {
get: (target, propName) => "string" == typeof propName ? "function" != typeof ctx[propName] ? ctx[propName] : (...args) => callMethod(ctxInstance, [ propName ], args, getWebGlMethodCallType(propName)) : target[propName],
set(target, propName, value) {
if ("string" == typeof propName && propName in ctx) {
ctx[propName] !== value && "function" != typeof value && setter(ctxInstance, [ propName ], value);
ctx[propName] = value;
} else {
target[propName] = value;
return true;
return new Proxy(ctx, WebGLRenderingContextHandler);
const ctxWebGLGetterMethods = "checkFramebufferStatus,makeXRCompatible".split(",");
const getWebGlMethodCallType = methodName => methodName.startsWith("create") || methodName.startsWith("get") || methodName.startsWith("is") || ctxWebGLGetterMethods.includes(methodName) ? 1 : 2;
defineCstr(win, "CanvasGradient", WorkerCanvasGradient);
defineCstr(win, "CanvasPattern", WorkerCanvasPattern);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(win.HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLCanvasDescriptorMap);
const initMedia = (WorkerBase, WorkerEventTargetProxy, env, win) => {
var _a, _b;
win.Audio = defineCstrName("HTMLAudioElement", class {
constructor(src) {
const audio = env.$createNode$("audio", randomId());
audio.src = src;
return audio;
const WorkerAudioTrack = class extends WorkerBase {
get enabled() {
return getter(this, [ "enabled" ]);
set enabled(value) {
setter(this, [ "enabled" ], value);
get id() {
return getter(this, [ "id" ]);
get kind() {
return getter(this, [ "kind" ]);
get label() {
return getter(this, [ "label" ]);
get language() {
return getter(this, [ "language" ]);
get sourceBuffer() {
return new WorkerSourceBuffer(this);
const WorkerAudioTrackList = class {
constructor(mediaElm) {
const winId = mediaElm[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = mediaElm[InstanceIdKey];
const instance = {
addEventListener(...args) {
callMethod(mediaElm, [ "audioTracks", "addEventListener" ], args, 3);
getTrackById: (...args) => callMethod(mediaElm, [ "audioTracks", "getTrackById" ], args),
get length() {
return getter(mediaElm, [ "audioTracks", "length" ]);
removeEventListener(...args) {
callMethod(mediaElm, [ "audioTracks", "removeEventListener" ], args, 3);
return new Proxy(instance, {
get: (target, propName) => "number" == typeof propName ? new WorkerAudioTrack(winId, instanceId, [ "audioTracks", propName ]) : target[propName]
const WorkerSourceBufferList = defineCstr(win, "SourceBufferList", class extends Array {
constructor(mediaSource) {
this[MediaSourceKey] = mediaSource;
addEventListener(...args) {
callMethod(this[MediaSourceKey], [ "sourceBuffers", "addEventListener" ], args, 3);
removeEventListener(...args) {
callMethod(this[MediaSourceKey], [ "sourceBuffers", "removeEventListener" ], args, 3);
const WorkerSourceBuffer = defineCstr(win, "SourceBuffer", (_b = class extends WorkerEventTargetProxy {
constructor(mediaSource) {
super(mediaSource[WinIdKey], mediaSource[InstanceIdKey], [ "sourceBuffers" ]);
this[_a] = [];
this[MediaSourceKey] = mediaSource;
abort() {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
callMethod(this, [ sbIndex, "appendWindowStart" ], EMPTY_ARRAY, 1);
addEventListener(...args) {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
callMethod(this, [ sbIndex, "addEventListener" ], args, 3);
appendBuffer(buf) {
this[SourceBufferTasksKey].push([ "appendBuffer", [ buf ], buf ]);
get appendWindowStart() {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
return getter(this, [ sbIndex, "appendWindowStart" ]);
set appendWindowStart(value) {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
setter(this, [ sbIndex, "appendWindowStart" ], value);
get appendWindowEnd() {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
return getter(this, [ sbIndex, "appendWindowEnd" ]);
set appendWindowEnd(value) {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
setter(this, [ sbIndex, "appendWindowEnd" ], value);
get buffered() {
const mediaSource = this[MediaSourceKey];
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
const timeRanges = new WorkerTimeRanges(mediaSource[WinIdKey], mediaSource[InstanceIdKey], [ "sourceBuffers", sbIndex, "buffered" ]);
return timeRanges;
changeType(mimeType) {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
callMethod(this, [ sbIndex, "changeType" ], [ mimeType ], 2);
get mode() {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
return getter(this, [ sbIndex, "mode" ]);
set mode(value) {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
setter(this, [ sbIndex, "mode" ], value);
remove(start, end) {
this[SourceBufferTasksKey].push([ "remove", [ start, end ] ]);
removeEventListener(...args) {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
callMethod(this, [ sbIndex, "removeEventListener" ], args, 3);
get timestampOffset() {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
return getter(this, [ sbIndex, "timestampOffset" ]);
set timestampOffset(value) {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
setter(this, [ sbIndex, "timestampOffset" ], value);
get updating() {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(this);
return getter(this, [ sbIndex, "updating" ]);
}, _a = SourceBufferTasksKey, _b));
const WorkerTimeRanges = defineCstr(win, "TimeRanges", class extends WorkerBase {
start(...args) {
return callMethod(this, [ "start" ], args);
end(...args) {
return callMethod(this, [ "end" ], args);
get length() {
return getter(this, [ "length" ]);
const getSourceBufferIndex = sourceBuffer => {
if (sourceBuffer) {
const mediaSource = sourceBuffer[MediaSourceKey];
const sourceBufferList = mediaSource[SourceBuffersKey];
return sourceBufferList.indexOf(sourceBuffer);
return -1;
const drainSourceBufferQueue = sourceBuffer => {
if (sourceBuffer[SourceBufferTasksKey].length) {
if (!sourceBuffer.updating) {
const task = sourceBuffer[SourceBufferTasksKey].shift();
if (task) {
const sbIndex = getSourceBufferIndex(sourceBuffer);
callMethod(sourceBuffer, [ sbIndex, task[0] ], task[1], 3, void 0, task[2]);
setTimeout((() => drainSourceBufferQueue(sourceBuffer)), 50);
const HTMLMediaDescriptorMap = {
buffered: {
get() {
if (!this[TimeRangesKey]) {
this[TimeRangesKey] = new WorkerTimeRanges(this[WinIdKey], this[InstanceIdKey], [ "buffered" ]);
setTimeout((() => {
this[TimeRangesKey] = void 0;
}), 5e3);
return this[TimeRangesKey];
readyState: {
get() {
if (4 === this[ReadyStateKey]) {
return 4;
if ("number" != typeof this[ReadyStateKey]) {
this[ReadyStateKey] = getter(this, [ "readyState" ]);
setTimeout((() => {
this[ReadyStateKey] = void 0;
}), 1e3);
return this[ReadyStateKey];
defineCstr(win, "MediaSource", class extends WorkerEventTargetProxy {
constructor() {
this[SourceBuffersKey] = new WorkerSourceBufferList(this);
constructGlobal(this, "MediaSource", EMPTY_ARRAY);
get activeSourceBuffers() {
return [];
addSourceBuffer(mimeType) {
const sourceBuffer = new WorkerSourceBuffer(this);
callMethod(this, [ "addSourceBuffer" ], [ mimeType ]);
return sourceBuffer;
clearLiveSeekableRange() {
callMethod(this, [ "clearLiveSeekableRange" ], EMPTY_ARRAY, 2);
get duration() {
return getter(this, [ "duration" ]);
set duration(value) {
setter(this, [ "duration" ], value);
endOfStream(endOfStreamError) {
callMethod(this, [ "endOfStream" ], [ endOfStreamError ], 3);
get readyState() {
return getter(this, [ "readyState" ]);
removeSourceBuffer(sourceBuffer) {
const index = getSourceBufferIndex(sourceBuffer);
if (index > -1) {
this[SourceBuffersKey].splice(index, 1);
callMethod(this, [ "removeSourceBuffer" ], [ index ], 1);
setLiveSeekableRange(start, end) {
callMethod(this, [ "setLiveSeekableRange" ], [ start, end ], 2);
get sourceBuffers() {
return this[SourceBuffersKey];
static isTypeSupported(mimeType) {
if (!isStaticTypeSupported.has(mimeType)) {
const isSupported = callMethod(win, [ "MediaSource", "isTypeSupported" ], [ mimeType ]);
isStaticTypeSupported.set(mimeType, isSupported);
return isStaticTypeSupported.get(mimeType);
const winURL = win.URL = defineCstrName("URL", class extends URL {});
const hasAudioTracks = "audioTracks" in win.HTMLMediaElement.prototype;
if (hasAudioTracks) {
defineCstr(win, "AudioTrackList", WorkerAudioTrackList);
defineCstr(win, "AudioTrack", WorkerAudioTrack);
HTMLMediaDescriptorMap.audioTracks = {
get() {
return new WorkerAudioTrackList(this);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(win.HTMLMediaElement, HTMLMediaDescriptorMap);
winURL.createObjectURL = obj => callMethod(win, [ "URL", "createObjectURL" ], [ obj ]);
winURL.revokeObjectURL = obj => callMethod(win, [ "URL", "revokeObjectURL" ], [ obj ]);
const isStaticTypeSupported = new Map;
self.$bridgeFromMedia$ = (WorkerBase, WorkerEventTargetProxy, env, win, windowMediaConstructors) => { => {
delete win[mediaCstrName];
initCanvas(WorkerBase, win);
initMedia(WorkerBase, WorkerEventTargetProxy, env, win);

View file

@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
/* Partytown 0.8.1 - MIT */
(window => {
const isPromise = v => "object" == typeof v && v && v.then;
const noop = () => {};
const len = obj => obj.length;
const getConstructorName = obj => {
var _a, _b, _c;
try {
const constructorName = null === (_a = null == obj ? void 0 : obj.constructor) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 :;
if (constructorName) {
return constructorName;
} catch (e) {}
try {
const zoneJsConstructorName = null === (_c = null === (_b = null == obj ? void 0 : obj.__zone_symbol__originalInstance) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.constructor) || void 0 === _c ? void 0 :;
if (zoneJsConstructorName) {
return zoneJsConstructorName;
} catch (e) {}
return "";
const startsWith = (str, val) => str.startsWith(val);
const isValidMemberName = memberName => !(startsWith(memberName, "webkit") || startsWith(memberName, "toJSON") || startsWith(memberName, "constructor") || startsWith(memberName, "toString") || startsWith(memberName, "_"));
const getNodeName = node => 11 === node.nodeType && ? "#s" : node.nodeName;
const randomId = () => Math.round(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER).toString(36);
const defineConstructorName = (Cstr, value) => ((obj, memberName, descriptor) => Object.defineProperty(obj, memberName, {
configurable: true
}))(Cstr, "name", {
value: value
const htmlConstructorTags = {
Anchor: "a",
DList: "dl",
Image: "img",
OList: "ol",
Paragraph: "p",
Quote: "q",
TableCaption: "caption",
TableCell: "td",
TableCol: "colgroup",
TableRow: "tr",
TableSection: "tbody",
UList: "ul"
const svgConstructorTags = {
Graphics: "g",
SVG: "svg"
const InstanceIdKey = Symbol();
const CreatedKey = Symbol();
const instances = new Map;
const mainRefs = new Map;
const winCtxs = {};
const windowIds = new WeakMap;
const getAndSetInstanceId = (instance, instanceId) => {
if (instance) {
if (instanceId = windowIds.get(instance)) {
return instanceId;
(instanceId = instance[InstanceIdKey]) || setInstanceId(instance, instanceId = randomId());
return instanceId;
const getInstance = (winId, instanceId, win, doc, docId) => {
if ((win = winCtxs[winId]) && win.$window$) {
if (winId === instanceId) {
return win.$window$;
doc = win.$window$.document;
docId = instanceId.split(".").pop();
if ("d" === docId) {
return doc;
if ("e" === docId) {
return doc.documentElement;
if ("h" === docId) {
return doc.head;
if ("b" === docId) {
return doc.body;
return instances.get(instanceId);
const setInstanceId = (instance, instanceId, now) => {
if (instance) {
instances.set(instanceId, instance);
instance[InstanceIdKey] = instanceId;
instance[CreatedKey] = now =;
if (now > lastCleanup + 5e3) {
instances.forEach(((storedInstance, instanceId) => {
storedInstance[CreatedKey] < lastCleanup && storedInstance.nodeType && !storedInstance.isConnected && instances.delete(instanceId);
lastCleanup = now;
let lastCleanup = 0;
const mainWindow = window.parent;
const docImpl = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
const config = mainWindow.partytown || {};
const libPath = (config.lib || "/~partytown/") + "debug/";
const logMain = msg => {
console.debug.apply(console, [ "%cMain 🌎", "background: #717171; color: white; padding: 2px 3px; border-radius: 2px; font-size: 0.8em;", msg ]);
const winIds = [];
const normalizedWinId = winId => {
winIds.includes(winId) || winIds.push(winId);
return winIds.indexOf(winId) + 1;
const defineCustomElement = (winId, worker, ceData) => {
const Cstr = defineConstructorName(class extends winCtxs[winId].$window$.HTMLElement {}, ceData[0]);
const ceCallbackMethods = "connectedCallback,disconnectedCallback,attributeChangedCallback,adoptedCallback".split(","); => Cstr.prototype[callbackMethodName] = function(...args) {
worker.postMessage([ 15, winId, getAndSetInstanceId(this), callbackMethodName, args ]);
Cstr.observedAttributes = ceData[1];
return Cstr;
const serializeForWorker = ($winId$, value, added, type, cstrName, prevInstanceId) => void 0 !== value && (type = typeof value) ? "string" === type || "number" === type || "boolean" === type || null == value ? [ 0, value ] : "function" === type ? [ 6 ] : (added = added || new Set) && Array.isArray(value) ? added.has(value) ? [ 1, [] ] : added.add(value) && [ 1, => serializeForWorker($winId$, v, added))) ] : "object" === type ? serializedValueIsError(value) ? [ 14, {
message: value.message,
stack: value.stack
} ] : "" === (cstrName = getConstructorName(value)) ? [ 2, {} ] : "Window" === cstrName ? [ 3, [ $winId$, $winId$ ] ] : "HTMLCollection" === cstrName || "NodeList" === cstrName ? [ 7, Array.from(value).map((v => serializeForWorker($winId$, v, added)[1])) ] : cstrName.endsWith("Event") ? [ 5, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added) ] : "CSSRuleList" === cstrName ? [ 12, Array.from(value).map(serializeCssRuleForWorker) ] : startsWith(cstrName, "CSS") && cstrName.endsWith("Rule") ? [ 11, serializeCssRuleForWorker(value) ] : "CSSStyleDeclaration" === cstrName ? [ 13, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added) ] : "Attr" === cstrName ? [ 10, [, value.value ] ] : value.nodeType ? [ 3, [ $winId$, getAndSetInstanceId(value), getNodeName(value), prevInstanceId ] ] : [ 2, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added, true, true) ] : void 0 : value;
const serializeObjectForWorker = (winId, obj, added, includeFunctions, includeEmptyStrings, serializedObj, propName, propValue) => {
serializedObj = {};
if (!added.has(obj)) {
for (propName in obj) {
if (isValidMemberName(propName)) {
propValue = "path" === propName && getConstructorName(obj).endsWith("Event") ? obj.composedPath() : obj[propName];
(includeFunctions || "function" != typeof propValue) && (includeEmptyStrings || "" !== propValue) && (serializedObj[propName] = serializeForWorker(winId, propValue, added));
return serializedObj;
const serializeCssRuleForWorker = cssRule => {
let obj = {};
let key;
for (key in cssRule) {
validCssRuleProps.includes(key) && (obj[key] = String(cssRule[key]));
return obj;
const serializedValueIsError = value => value instanceof;
const deserializeFromWorker = (worker, serializedTransfer, serializedType, serializedValue) => {
if (serializedTransfer) {
serializedType = serializedTransfer[0];
serializedValue = serializedTransfer[1];
return 0 === serializedType ? serializedValue : 4 === serializedType ? deserializeRefFromWorker(worker, serializedValue) : 1 === serializedType ? => deserializeFromWorker(worker, v))) : 3 === serializedType ? getInstance(serializedValue[0], serializedValue[1]) : 5 === serializedType ? constructEvent(deserializeObjectFromWorker(worker, serializedValue)) : 2 === serializedType ? deserializeObjectFromWorker(worker, serializedValue) : 8 === serializedType ? serializedValue : 9 === serializedType ? new window[serializedTransfer[2]](serializedValue) : void 0;
const deserializeRefFromWorker = (worker, {$winId$: $winId$, $instanceId$: $instanceId$, $refId$: $refId$}, ref) => {
ref = mainRefs.get($refId$);
if (!ref) {
ref = function(...args) {
worker.postMessage([ 9, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$instanceId$: $instanceId$,
$refId$: $refId$,
$thisArg$: serializeForWorker($winId$, this),
$args$: serializeForWorker($winId$, args)
} ]);
mainRefs.set($refId$, ref);
return ref;
const constructEvent = eventProps => new ("detail" in eventProps ? CustomEvent : Event)(eventProps.type, eventProps);
const deserializeObjectFromWorker = (worker, serializedValue, obj, key) => {
obj = {};
for (key in serializedValue) {
obj[key] = deserializeFromWorker(worker, serializedValue[key]);
return obj;
const validCssRuleProps = "cssText,selectorText,href,media,namespaceURI,prefix,name,conditionText".split(",");
const mainAccessHandler = async (worker, accessReq) => {
let accessRsp = {
$msgId$: accessReq.$msgId$
let totalTasks = len(accessReq.$tasks$);
let i = 0;
let task;
let winId;
let applyPath;
let instance;
let rtnValue;
let isLast;
for (;i < totalTasks; i++) {
try {
isLast = i === totalTasks - 1;
task = accessReq.$tasks$[i];
winId = task.$winId$;
applyPath = task.$applyPath$;
!winCtxs[winId] && winId.startsWith("f_") && await new Promise((resolve => {
let check = 0;
let callback = () => {
winCtxs[winId] || check++ > 1e3 ? resolve() : requestAnimationFrame(callback);
if (1 === applyPath[0] && applyPath[1] in winCtxs[winId].$window$) {
setInstanceId(new winCtxs[winId].$window$[applyPath[1]](...deserializeFromWorker(worker, applyPath[2])), task.$instanceId$);
} else {
instance = getInstance(winId, task.$instanceId$);
if (instance) {
rtnValue = applyToInstance(worker, winId, instance, applyPath, isLast, task.$groupedGetters$);
task.$assignInstanceId$ && ("string" == typeof task.$assignInstanceId$ ? setInstanceId(rtnValue, task.$assignInstanceId$) : winCtxs[task.$assignInstanceId$.$winId$] = {
$winId$: task.$assignInstanceId$.$winId$,
$window$: {
document: rtnValue
if (isPromise(rtnValue)) {
rtnValue = await rtnValue;
isLast && (accessRsp.$isPromise$ = true);
isLast && (accessRsp.$rtnValue$ = serializeForWorker(winId, rtnValue, void 0, void 0, void 0, task.$instanceId$));
} else {
accessRsp.$error$ = `Error finding instance "${task.$instanceId$}" on window ${normalizedWinId(winId)}`;
console.error(accessRsp.$error$, task);
} catch (e) {
isLast ? accessRsp.$error$ = String(e.stack || e) : console.error(e);
return accessRsp;
const applyToInstance = (worker, winId, instance, applyPath, isLast, groupedGetters) => {
let i = 0;
let l = len(applyPath);
let next;
let current;
let previous;
let args;
let groupedRtnValues;
for (;i < l; i++) {
current = applyPath[i];
next = applyPath[i + 1];
previous = applyPath[i - 1];
try {
if (!Array.isArray(next)) {
if ("string" == typeof current || "number" == typeof current) {
if (i + 1 === l && groupedGetters) {
groupedRtnValues = {}; => groupedRtnValues[propName] = instance[propName]));
return groupedRtnValues;
instance = instance[current];
} else {
if (0 === next) {
instance[previous] = deserializeFromWorker(worker, current);
if ("function" == typeof instance[previous]) {
args = deserializeFromWorker(worker, current);
"define" === previous && "CustomElementRegistry" === getConstructorName(instance) && (args[1] = defineCustomElement(winId, worker, args[1]));
"insertRule" === previous && args[1] > len(instance.cssRules) && (args[1] = len(instance.cssRules));
instance = instance[previous].apply(instance, args);
if ("play" === previous) {
return Promise.resolve();
} catch (err) {
if (isLast) {
throw err;
console.debug("Non-blocking setter error:", err);
return instance;
const readNextScript = (worker, winCtx) => {
let $winId$ = winCtx.$winId$;
let win = winCtx.$window$;
let doc = win.document;
let scriptSelector = 'script[type="text/partytown"]:not([data-ptid]):not([data-pterror])';
let scriptElm;
let $instanceId$;
let scriptData;
if (doc && doc.body) {
scriptElm = doc.querySelector('script[type="text/partytown"]:not([data-ptid]):not([data-pterror]):not([async]):not([defer])');
scriptElm || (scriptElm = doc.querySelector(scriptSelector));
if (scriptElm) {
scriptElm.dataset.ptid = $instanceId$ = getAndSetInstanceId(scriptElm, $winId$);
scriptData = {
$winId$: $winId$,
$instanceId$: $instanceId$
if (scriptElm.src) {
scriptData.$url$ = scriptElm.src;
scriptData.$orgUrl$ = scriptElm.dataset.ptsrc || scriptElm.src;
} else {
scriptData.$content$ = scriptElm.innerHTML;
worker.postMessage([ 7, scriptData ]);
} else {
if (!winCtx.$isInitialized$) {
winCtx.$isInitialized$ = 1;
((worker, $winId$, win) => {
let queuedForwardCalls = win._ptf;
let forwards = (win.partytown || {}).forward || [];
let i;
let mainForwardFn;
let forwardCall = ($forward$, args) => worker.postMessage([ 10, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$forward$: $forward$,
$args$: serializeForWorker($winId$, Array.from(args))
} ]);
win._ptf = void 0; => {
mainForwardFn = win;
forwardProps.split(".").map(((_, i, arr) => {
mainForwardFn = mainForwardFn[arr[i]] = i + 1 < len(arr) ? mainForwardFn[arr[i]] || ("push" === arr[i + 1] ? [] : {}) : (...args) => forwardCall(arr, args);
if (queuedForwardCalls) {
for (i = 0; i < len(queuedForwardCalls); i += 2) {
forwardCall(queuedForwardCalls[i], queuedForwardCalls[i + 1]);
})(worker, $winId$, win);
doc.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("pt0"));
const winType = win === ? "top" : "iframe";
logMain(`Executed ${winType} window ${normalizedWinId($winId$)} environment scripts in ${( - winCtx.$startTime$).toFixed(1)}ms`);
worker.postMessage([ 8, $winId$ ]);
} else {
requestAnimationFrame((() => readNextScript(worker, winCtx)));
const registerWindow = (worker, $winId$, $window$) => {
if (!windowIds.has($window$)) {
windowIds.set($window$, $winId$);
const doc = $window$.document;
const history = $window$.history;
const $parentWinId$ = windowIds.get($window$.parent);
let initialised = false;
const onInitialisedQueue = [];
const onInitialised = callback => {
initialised ? callback() : onInitialisedQueue.push(callback);
const sendInitEnvData = () => {
worker.postMessage([ 5, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$parentWinId$: $parentWinId$,
$url$: doc.baseURI,
$visibilityState$: doc.visibilityState
} ]);
setTimeout((() => {
initialised = true;
onInitialisedQueue.forEach((callback => {
const pushState = history.pushState.bind(history);
const replaceState = history.replaceState.bind(history);
const onLocationChange = (type, state, newUrl, oldUrl) => () => {
setTimeout((() => {
worker.postMessage([ 13, {
$winId$: $winId$,
type: type,
state: state,
url: doc.baseURI,
newUrl: newUrl,
oldUrl: oldUrl
} ]);
history.pushState = (state, _, newUrl) => {
pushState(state, _, newUrl);
onInitialised(onLocationChange(0, state, null == newUrl ? void 0 : newUrl.toString()));
history.replaceState = (state, _, newUrl) => {
replaceState(state, _, newUrl);
onInitialised(onLocationChange(1, state, null == newUrl ? void 0 : newUrl.toString()));
$window$.addEventListener("popstate", (event => {
onInitialised(onLocationChange(2, event.state));
$window$.addEventListener("hashchange", (event => {
onInitialised(onLocationChange(3, {}, event.newURL, event.oldURL));
$window$.addEventListener("ptupdate", (() => {
readNextScript(worker, winCtxs[$winId$]);
doc.addEventListener("visibilitychange", (() => worker.postMessage([ 14, $winId$, doc.visibilityState ])));
winCtxs[$winId$] = {
$winId$: $winId$,
$window$: $window$
winCtxs[$winId$].$startTime$ =;
const winType = $winId$ === $parentWinId$ ? "top" : "iframe";
logMain(`Registered ${winType} window ${normalizedWinId($winId$)}`);
"complete" === doc.readyState ? sendInitEnvData() : $window$.addEventListener("load", sendInitEnvData);
const onMessageFromWebWorker = (worker, msg, winCtx) => {
if (4 === msg[0]) {
registerWindow(worker, randomId(), mainWindow);
} else {
winCtx = winCtxs[msg[1]];
winCtx && (7 === msg[0] ? requestAnimationFrame((() => readNextScript(worker, winCtx))) : 6 === msg[0] && ((worker, winCtx, instanceId, errorMsg, scriptElm) => {
scriptElm = winCtx.$window$.document.querySelector(`[data-ptid="${instanceId}"]`);
if (scriptElm) {
errorMsg ? scriptElm.dataset.pterror = errorMsg : scriptElm.type += "-x";
delete scriptElm.dataset.ptid;
readNextScript(worker, winCtx);
})(worker, winCtx, msg[2], msg[3]));
const readMainPlatform = () => {
const elm = docImpl.createElement("i");
const textNode = docImpl.createTextNode("");
const comment = docImpl.createComment("");
const frag = docImpl.createDocumentFragment();
const shadowRoot = docImpl.createElement("p").attachShadow({
mode: "open"
const intersectionObserver = getGlobalConstructor(mainWindow, "IntersectionObserver");
const mutationObserver = getGlobalConstructor(mainWindow, "MutationObserver");
const resizeObserver = getGlobalConstructor(mainWindow, "ResizeObserver");
const perf = mainWindow.performance;
const screen = mainWindow.screen;
const impls = [ [ mainWindow.history ], [ perf ], [ perf.navigation ], [ perf.timing ], [ screen ], [ screen.orientation ], [ mainWindow.visualViewport ], [ intersectionObserver, 12 ], [ mutationObserver, 12 ], [ resizeObserver, 12 ], [ textNode ], [ comment ], [ frag ], [ shadowRoot ], [ elm ], [ elm.attributes ], [ elm.classList ], [ elm.dataset ], [ ], [ docImpl ], [ docImpl.doctype ] ];
const initialInterfaces = [ readImplementation("Window", mainWindow), readImplementation("Node", textNode) ];
const $config$ = JSON.stringify(config, ((k, v) => {
if ("function" == typeof v) {
v = String(v);
v.startsWith(k + "(") && (v = "function " + v);
return v;
const initWebWorkerData = {
$config$: $config$,
$interfaces$: readImplementations(impls, initialInterfaces),
$libPath$: new URL(libPath, mainWindow.location) + "",
$origin$: origin,
$localStorage$: readStorage("localStorage"),
$sessionStorage$: readStorage("sessionStorage")
addGlobalConstructorUsingPrototype(initWebWorkerData.$interfaces$, mainWindow, "IntersectionObserverEntry");
return initWebWorkerData;
const readMainInterfaces = () => {
const elms = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(mainWindow).map((interfaceName => ((doc, interfaceName, r, tag) => {
r = interfaceName.match(/^(HTML|SVG)(.+)Element$/);
if (r) {
tag = r[2];
return "S" == interfaceName[0] ? doc.createElementNS("", svgConstructorTags[tag] || tag.slice(0, 2).toLowerCase() + tag.slice(2)) : doc.createElement(htmlConstructorTags[tag] || tag);
})(docImpl, interfaceName))).filter((elm => elm)).map((elm => [ elm ]));
return readImplementations(elms, []);
const readImplementations = (impls, interfaces) => {
const cstrs = new Set([ "Object" ]);
const cstrImpls = impls.filter((implData => implData[0])).map((implData => {
const impl = implData[0];
const interfaceType = implData[1];
const cstrName = getConstructorName(impl);
const CstrPrototype = mainWindow[cstrName].prototype;
return [ cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, interfaceType ];
}));[cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, intefaceType]) => readOwnImplementation(cstrs, interfaces, cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, intefaceType)));
return interfaces;
const readImplementation = (cstrName, impl, memberName) => {
let interfaceMembers = [];
let interfaceInfo = [ cstrName, "Object", interfaceMembers ];
for (memberName in impl) {
readImplementationMember(interfaceMembers, impl, memberName);
return interfaceInfo;
const readOwnImplementation = (cstrs, interfaces, cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, interfaceType) => {
if (!cstrs.has(cstrName)) {
const SuperCstr = Object.getPrototypeOf(CstrPrototype);
const superCstrName = getConstructorName(SuperCstr);
const interfaceMembers = [];
const propDescriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(CstrPrototype);
readOwnImplementation(cstrs, interfaces, superCstrName, SuperCstr, impl, interfaceType);
for (const memberName in propDescriptors) {
readImplementationMember(interfaceMembers, impl, memberName);
interfaces.push([ cstrName, superCstrName, interfaceMembers, interfaceType, getNodeName(impl) ]);
const readImplementationMember = (interfaceMembers, implementation, memberName, value, memberType, cstrName) => {
try {
if (isValidMemberName(memberName) && isNaN(memberName[0]) && "all" !== memberName) {
value = implementation[memberName];
memberType = typeof value;
if ("function" === memberType) {
(String(value).includes("[native") || Object.getPrototypeOf(implementation)[memberName]) && interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, 5 ]);
} else if ("object" === memberType && null != value) {
cstrName = getConstructorName(value);
"Object" !== cstrName && "Function" !== cstrName && self[cstrName] && interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, value.nodeType || cstrName ]);
} else {
"symbol" !== memberType && (memberName.toUpperCase() === memberName ? interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, 6, value ]) : interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, 6 ]));
} catch (e) {
const readStorage = storageName => {
let items = [];
let i = 0;
let l = len(mainWindow[storageName]);
let key;
for (;i < l; i++) {
key = mainWindow[storageName].key(i);
items.push([ key, mainWindow[storageName].getItem(key) ]);
return items;
const getGlobalConstructor = (mainWindow, cstrName) => void 0 !== mainWindow[cstrName] ? new mainWindow[cstrName](noop) : 0;
const addGlobalConstructorUsingPrototype = ($interfaces$, mainWindow, cstrName) => {
void 0 !== mainWindow[cstrName] && $interfaces$.push([ cstrName, "Object", Object.keys(mainWindow[cstrName].prototype).map((propName => [ propName, 6 ])), 12 ]);
let worker;
(receiveMessage => {
const swContainer = window.navigator.serviceWorker;
return swContainer.getRegistration().then((swRegistration => {
swContainer.addEventListener("message", (ev => receiveMessage(, (accessRsp => &&;
return (worker, msg) => {
0 === msg[0] ? worker.postMessage([ 1, readMainPlatform() ]) : 2 === msg[0] ? worker.postMessage([ 3, readMainInterfaces() ]) : onMessageFromWebWorker(worker, msg);
})(((accessReq, responseCallback) => mainAccessHandler(worker, accessReq).then(responseCallback))).then((onMessageHandler => {
if (onMessageHandler) {
worker = new Worker(libPath + "partytown-ww-sw.js?v=0.8.1", {
name: "Partytown 🎉"
worker.onmessage = ev => {
const msg =;
12 === msg[0] ? mainAccessHandler(worker, msg[1]) : onMessageHandler(worker, msg);
logMain("Created Partytown web worker (0.8.1)");
worker.onerror = ev => console.error("Web Worker Error", ev);
mainWindow.addEventListener("pt1", (ev => registerWindow(worker, getAndSetInstanceId(ev.detail.frameElement), ev.detail)));

View file

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
/* Partytown 0.8.1 - MIT */
const resolves = new Map;
const swMessageError = (accessReq, $error$) => ({
$msgId$: accessReq.$msgId$,
$error$: $error$
const httpRequestFromWebWorker = req => new Promise((async resolve => {
const accessReq = await req.clone().json();
const responseData = await (accessReq => new Promise((async resolve => {
const clients = await self.clients.matchAll();
const client = [ ...clients ].sort(((a, b) => a.url > b.url ? -1 : a.url < b.url ? 1 : 0))[0];
if (client) {
const timeout = 12e4;
const msgResolve = [ resolve, setTimeout((() => {
resolve(swMessageError(accessReq, "Timeout"));
}), timeout) ];
resolves.set(accessReq.$msgId$, msgResolve);
} else {
resolve(swMessageError(accessReq, "NoParty"));
resolve(response(JSON.stringify(responseData), "application/json"));
const response = (body, contentType) => new Response(body, {
headers: {
"content-type": contentType || "text/html",
"Cache-Control": "no-store"
self.oninstall = () => self.skipWaiting();
self.onactivate = () => self.clients.claim();
self.onmessage = ev => {
const accessRsp =;
const r = resolves.get(accessRsp.$msgId$);
if (r) {
self.onfetch = ev => {
const req = ev.request;
const url = new URL(req.url);
const pathname = url.pathname;
if (pathname.endsWith("sw.html")) {
ev.respondWith(response('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><script src="./partytown-sandbox-sw.js?v=0.8.1"><\/script></head></html>'));
} else {
pathname.endsWith("proxytown") && ev.respondWith(httpRequestFromWebWorker(req));

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
/* Partytown 0.8.1 - MIT */
!function(win, doc, nav, top, useAtomics, config, libPath, timeout, scripts, sandbox, mainForwardFn, isReady) {
function ready() {
if (!isReady) {
isReady = 1;
libPath = (config.lib || "/~partytown/") + (false !== config.debug ? "debug/" : "");
if ("/" == libPath[0]) {
scripts = doc.querySelectorAll('script[type="text/partytown"]');
if (top != win) {
top.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("pt1", {
detail: win
} else {
timeout = setTimeout(fallback, 1e4);
doc.addEventListener("pt0", clearFallback);
useAtomics ? loadSandbox(1) : nav.serviceWorker ? nav.serviceWorker.register(libPath + (config.swPath || "partytown-sw.js"), {
scope: libPath
}).then((function(swRegistration) {
if ( {
} else if (swRegistration.installing) {
swRegistration.installing.addEventListener("statechange", (function(ev) {
"activated" == && loadSandbox();
} else {
}), console.error) : fallback();
} else {
console.warn('Partytown config.lib url must start with "/"');
function loadSandbox(isAtomics) {
sandbox = doc.createElement(isAtomics ? "script" : "iframe");
if (!isAtomics) { = "block"; = "0"; = "0"; = "0"; = "hidden";
sandbox.setAttribute("aria-hidden", !0);
sandbox.src = libPath + "partytown-" + (isAtomics ? "atomics.js?v=0.8.1" : "sandbox-sw.html?" +;
doc.querySelector(config.sandboxParent || "body").appendChild(sandbox);
function fallback(i, script) {
console.warn("Partytown script fallback");
top == win && (config.forward || []).map((function(forwardProps) {
delete win[forwardProps.split(".")[0]];
for (i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
script = doc.createElement("script");
script.innerHTML = scripts[i].innerHTML;
script.nonce = config.nonce;
sandbox && sandbox.parentNode.removeChild(sandbox);
function clearFallback() {
config = win.partytown || {};
top == win && (config.forward || []).map((function(forwardProps) {
mainForwardFn = win;
forwardProps.split(".").map((function(_, i, forwardPropsArr) {
mainForwardFn = mainForwardFn[forwardPropsArr[i]] = i + 1 < forwardPropsArr.length ? "push" == forwardPropsArr[i + 1] ? [] : mainForwardFn[forwardPropsArr[i]] || {} : function() {
(win._ptf = win._ptf || []).push(forwardPropsArr, arguments);
if ("complete" == doc.readyState) {
} else {
win.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ready);
win.addEventListener("load", ready);
}(window, document, navigator, top, window.crossOriginIsolated);